In times when the advancement in technology has made lots of children live inactive lives, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a great alternative activity for children. More and more kids are becoming obese due to lack of exercise and inclination to idler activities. In addition to discipline and fitness, Brazilian jiu jitsu will also provide kids with great self-defense skills.

Some of the benefits of learning Jiu Jitsu for Kids are:​​
Discipline and Respect – All martial arts training is geared towards instilling the acts of discipline and respect to all students, be they, adults or children. It is the act of continuous training that grows and nurtures this gifts that later becomes their character and lifestyle. The core foundation of the training teaches the child to respect all the values of the Jiu Jitsu, which gradually inculcate the habit of respect in them towards others as a whole.
Alert and coordinated – the little techniques that are taught during each training class develops in the child an alertness of his or her body to movements and surroundings. Kids will be learning self-defense skills that will make them able to respond promptly and correctly to any negative assault. The child is also able to perfect proper coordination of the body parts and reflexes too. He or her ability to move their body in a well-coordinated format than before. In other words, your child becomes cool, calm and calculated.
Great Confidence - Confidence is one of the greatest virtues anyone can get from martial arts. Jiu Jitsu for Kids is a very fulfilling activity that has that ability to create great self-assurance in children of all ages. This is derived from all the processes of training that involves fighting against the opponent and defending oneself from all the attacks of the opponent. The thought of the strength and skill that they have received from their training classes make them able to stand confidently against all odds. It will be a good idea to introduce any child that has a problem with confidence to this martial art so that his/her confidence can be built up strongly.
Maintains Fitness – this is one of the great benefits of Jiu Jitsu for Kids. It will always keep them healthy and fit. Between smartphones, computers and video game systems, modern children are inundated with ways to entertain themselves through technology. Because of these changes in pastimes, physical activity is in decline and childhood obesity is on the rise. According to a Center for Disease Control and Prevention study, the obesity rate in children has more than doubled in the past three decades. With this training, your child’s fitness will be restored and always maintained.

BJJ for Kids
Please watch the class videos linked below.

There are some basic Jiu Jitsu moves that your child will learn during training. Knowledge of these techniques will give you an idea of what to expect if you enroll your kid in a jiu jitsu academy. In Brazilian jiu jitsu, every move has its purpose and the final goal is to be able to submit a stronger opponent. Here are some of the basic techniques to be learnt.

Technique 1 – The Skill to Relax During Training
When your child begins training he/she is usually tensed as it is the case for every beginner. So, the first technique to learn and surpass is the ability to be very comfortable and let go of every tension. This is the skill of remaining relaxed all through the period of training.
Technique 2 – The Skill of Hip Escape
This is the act of moving your bottom with the aid of your hips to ensure an escape. This is one of the essential movements the child should have a firm grip on. It is a two in one escape motion which can either be a bridging or a hip escape. You have to restore your guard whenever it has been taken away by your opponent, this is also very important. These are important techniques for Jiu Jitsu for Kids.
Technique 3 – the Skill of Getting the Right Grip
Without a firm grip maintained, your kid will not be able to fight properly, so it is very important to also learn how to grip correctly. The act of gripping comes in three ways, which are the power of your hands, the accuracy of the grip, and then the location griped. All of these three factors improves and becomes better when your child becomes more matured infighting.
There will be a need to perform some grip strengthening exercises to enhance your child’s technique. With a strong grip comes the necessity to make accurate grips and locate the best thing to grip onto, becoming more and more successful in gripping.
Technique 4 – the Skill of Proper Breath Control
To make smooth successful movements that are well targeted on the mat, your kid will need to learn how to perfect the art of breath control. Breathing properly conditions the mind in a perfect state that promotes accuracy while fighting. This is why breath control forms a fundamental aspect of for the actualization of all movements no matter the technique that is to be used or displayed. It also eliminates any other distraction that might destabilize their ability, and to taking one’s mind off all egoistic thoughts and refocusing on the task ahead only.

Techniques of Jiu Jitsu for Kids